S.No. Particulars Average Base Rate Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate of Poush End 2081 9.70 % 9.24 %
2 Base Rate of Mangsir End 2081 10.34 % 9.85 %
3 Base Rate of Kartik End 2081 11.06 % 10.02 %
4 Base Rate of Ashwin End 2081 11.68 % 11.16 %
5 Base Rate of Bhadra End 2081 12.10 % 11.99 %
6 Base Rate of Shrawan End 2081 12.20 % 11.88 %
7 Base Rate of Ashadh End 2081 12.34 % 12.44 %
8 Base Rate of Jestha End 2081 12.31 % 12.27 %
9 Base Rate of Baisakh End 2081 12.38 % 12.31 %

S.No. Particulars Average Base Rate Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate of Chaitra End 2080 12.69 % 12.35 %
2 Base Rate of Falgun End 2080 13.01 % 12.46 %
3 Base Rate of Magh End 2080 13.32 % 13.24 %
4 Base Rate of Poush End 2080 13.56 % 13.32 %
5 Base Rate of Mangsir End 2080 13.70 % 13.39 %
6 Base Rate of Kartik End 2080 13.94 % 13.96 %
7 Base Rate of Ashwin End 2080 13.97 % 13.75 %
8 Base Rate of Bhadra End 2080 14.62 % 14.11 %
9 Base Rate of Shrawan End 2080 14.93 % 14.06 %
10 Base Rate of Ashadh End 2080 15.29 % 14.37 %
11 Base Rate of Jestha End 2080 15.75 % 15.42 %
12 Base Rate of Baisakh End 2080 16.28 % 15.00 %

S.No. Particulars Cost of Fund Cost of CRR Cost of SLR Operating Cost Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate of Chaitra End 2079 10.53 % 0.47 % -0.49 % 4.95 % 15.45 %
2 Base Rate of Falgun End 2079 10.65 % 0.47 % 0.73 % 4.94 % 16.80 %
3 Base Rate of Magh End 2079 10.55 % 0.47 % 0.72 % 4.85 % 16.60 %
4 Base Rate of Poush End 2079 10.50 % 0.35 % 0.79 % 4.97 % 16.61 %
5 Base Rate of Mangsir End 2079 10.44 % 0.34 % 0.52 % 3.29 % 14.59 %
6 Base rate of Kartik 2079 10.16 % 0.33 % 0.50 % 3.68 % 14.67 %
7 Base Rate of Aswin End 2079 10.04 % 0.32 % 0.43 % 4.95 % 15.74 %
8 Base Rate Of Bhadra End 2079 9.40 % 0.30 % 0.42 % 5.09 % 15.21 %
9 Base Rate Of Shrawan End 2079 9.10 % 0.29 % 0.42 % 4.23 % 14.03 %
10 Base Rate Of Ashad End 2079 8.92 % 0.29 % 0.37 % 5.08 % 14.66 %
11 Base Rate Of Jestha End 2079 9.95 % 0.29 % 0.35 % 4.85 % 14.44 %
12 Base Rate of Baisakh End 2079 8.91 % 0.29 % 0.40 % 5.35 % 14.95 %

S.No. Particulars Cost of Fund Cost of CRR Cost of SLR Operating Cost Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate of Chaitra End 2078 8.90 % 0.29 % 0.37 % 6.11 % 15.66 %
2 Base Rate Of Falgun End 2078 8.37 % 0.27 % 0.36 % 6.39 % 16.39 %
3 Base Rate of Magh End 2078 7.66 % 0.25 % 0.40 % 5.90 % 14.21 %
4 Base Rate Of Poush End 2078 7.22 % 0.23 % 0.28 % 5.27 % 13.45 %
5 Base Rate Of Mangsir End 2078 7.24 % 0.23 % 0.30 % 6.08 % 13.84 %
6 Base Rate Of Kartik End 2078 7.04 % 0.23 % 0.30 % 5.76 % 13.26 %
7 Base Rate of Ashwin End 2078 6.40 % 0.21 % 0.26 % 6.45 % 13.32 %
8 Base Rate of Bhadra End 2078 6.45 % 0.21 % 0.27 % 6.51 % 13.43 %
9 Base Rate of Shrawan End 2078 6.79 % 0.22 % 0.27 % 7.43 % 14.72 %
10 Base Rate of Asar of End 2078 7.06 % 0.23 % 0.28 % 7.82 % 15.39 %
11 Base Rate of Jesth End 2078 6.44 % 0.21 % 0.26 % 4.77 % 11.69 %
12 Base Rate Of Baishakh End 2078 6.09 % 0.20 % 0.29 % 8.04 % 14.62 %

S.No. Particulars Cost of Fund Cost of CRR Cost of SLR Operating Cost Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate Of Chaitra End 2077 5.92 % 0.19 % 0.23 % 7.33 % 13.67 %
2 Base Rate Of Falgun End 2077 5.58 % 0.18 % 0.07 % 6.64 % 12.48 %
3 Base Rate Of Magh End 2077 4.90 % 0.17 % 0.13 % 13.56 % 18.76 %
4 Base Rate Of Mangsir End 2077 5.78 % 0.26 % 0.20 % 6.13 % 12.36 %
5 Base Rate Of Kartik End 2077 5.37 % 0.22 % 0.17 % 5.67 % 11.43 %
6 Base Rate Of Ashwin End 2077 5.91 % 0.24 % 0.18 % 16.40 % 22.73 %
7 Base Rate Of Bhadra End 2077 6.50 % 0.26 % 0.20 % 8.71 % 15.66 %
8 Base Rate Of Sharawan End 2077 6.60 % 0.31 % 0.23 % 7.84 % 14.99 %
9 Base Rate Of Ashad End 2077 6.68 % 0.23 % 0.17 % 52.39 % 59.31 %

S.No. Particulars Cost of Fund Cost of CRR Cost of SLR Operating Cost Base Rate [%]
1 Base Rate Of Chaitra End 2076 1.176 % 0.02 % 0.02 % 12.60 % 14.40 %
2 Base Rate Of Falgun End 2076 2.01 % 0.02 % 0.02 % 12.37 % 14.42 %
3 Base Rate Of Magh End 2076 1.93 % 0.03 % 0.02 % 15.26 % 17.24 %
4 Base Rate Of Poush End 2076 1.83 % 0.02 % 0.02 % 14.41 % 16.28 %

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